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About Us

India is a land of various heritages. It is here that various traditions were discovered, refreshed and most of them still in practice. Aralaguppe is one such story – the rich heritage coupled with a royal touch. The forefathers of ARALAGUPPE FAMILY were distantly related and also were in the higher positions in the army of Shivappa Nayaka of Keladi Dynasty of Shimoga District, in the erstwhile State of Mysore. They were popularly known as Veerashaiva Sirdars and were also called Malagowda’s or Malaparus. On account of the popularity, the great Nawab Hyder Ali requisitioned their services, when he fought and won the first Mysore war against the Britishers in 1765. In recognition and appreciation of the services rendered, Nawab Hyder Ali granted the Gowdike of ARALAGUPPE village to Sri Chandre Gowda in the year 1769 through Dewan Venkappaiah. So ( since then) the rich cultural heritage has been carefully preserved for many years now. What you are to experience in this place is nothing short of a dream.

Why Aralaguppe HomeStay?

HomeStays are now the preferred choice of lodging for most travelers. There are other options, but nothing can match the HomeStay experience. It is the perfect blend of staying in a resort and at the same time feel like a home away from home. Add to that experience a soulful environment and your level of rejuvenation goes up several notches higher. Aralaguppe HomeStay is one such place that can take your soul to heightened levels without compromising the fun in vacationing. It is here that royalty did what you plan to do, many years ago. Your choice is the choice of kings – own it! The famous kings of yore came rushing to these places seeking solitude, peace and bliss and yes, they got all of it and more. Now its your turn to experience that slice of heaven. Thanks to the Aralaguppe family, you too can now enjoy what the royals enjoyed in almost similar fashion. Any time of the year is the perfect time for vacation – as long you feel the need for it. Why wait or delay enjoying yourself. Take a break, take a refreshing vacation with us and then get back to work with renewed vigour. De-stress, unwind and treat yourself to the fullest. Come with friends and family to make the trip even more memorable.

The Cuisine of Royals

One of the highlights of HomeStays is the Food. Yes, after all that nourishment got by your soul, it is not good to ignore the body. Aralaguppe HomeStay knows exactly what you will relish after a day-long ride or drive or fun activity. Our special and customized Malnad Cuisine will flavor your taste buds with unforgettable recipes. The mouth-watering dishes are prepared by our highly skilled and trained cooks who know exactly what your tummy needs. The local delicacies are served with care and pride. All our guests till date have always had a special mention about the food served. The quantity and quality are both to die for! Some of the dishes prepared were the favorites of royalty – so here is your chance to dine like kings and queens. Go on, give us a ring and we will get ready to welcome and serve you!


Erected in the year 1934 by the famed Araluguppe Chandregowda, this noble building with a bricky texture has been rein stated from the gorgeous style inspired by the Victorian architecture. It has a goodassortment of sporadic paintings, amazing artifacts, bright chandeliers, mystical carpets, themed dolls, antique furniture, all of these collected spanning a period of five generations. Spreading across 11,000 Sqft, this place has a touch of royalty embedded within and around it. We welcome you for a stay to experience our claims and live our words. Anytime is vacation time but we cannot resist the temptation to invite you over during the Monsoons and Spring-time – both these times of the year are a real treat. However, do not feel that Winter will be any less enjoyable. The climate of Chikmagalur is divine and any time of the year is equally good – especially if you are coming over for the first time. Get your bags packing and give us a ring to book your stay NOW!

Thotti Mane

Thotti Mane, our special attraction, is a 270 year old classic house in Chikmagalur. It can easily be considered as our prime pride. The warm, welcoming and homely interiors will attract you instantly. The magnetic place is also very affordable and the best option if you are visiting with family, friends or colleagues. The architecture is worthy of special mention – the enormous house built around open to sky central court – oft seen amongst the richest families in town. These homes have a host of memories that linger around as a pleasant aura. You can surely tap into this feel as soon as you enter the premises. The rooms are extra-spacious and very comfortable – see it to believe it! The wooden interiors are some of the best you will ever see. They are well maintained and your stay is guaranteed to be your best ever. You will keep coming back - that we are confident about. There is not an iota of doubt that you are going to stay, walk, sleep and eat like royalty. Come over now and find it out for yourself!


There is a definitive reason for terming Chikmagalur as the ‘Tourism heaven of Karnataka’. It is a place where the best part where the horizons meet – the amazing bluish sky above and the dark greenery below and in between you get to experience heaven on earth. There are a number of places in the vicinity that make for a good one-day trip. Whether you ride over or drive down, the picturesque landscapes are jaw-dropping gorgeous and will forever be etched in your memories. Here are a few places that make a quick one-day trip. Check with our team to know how you can plan your journey by combining two or more places to make your trip even more worthwhile. How much every you see, there is still something more to cherish at this heavenly place. Some of the MUST-SEE locales are enlisted below:



Chikmagalur – The Coffee Empire: 

  • Chikmagalur is considered the birthplace of coffee in our country India. The first coffee seeds were brought here about 350 years ago and planted on the slopes of Baba Budan Giri Hills. The rest as they say is history and coffee is the most loved beverage in the world.

Famous in Chikmagalur: 

  • Chikmagalur is famous for its serene environment, lush green forests and tall mountains. Mullayanagiri hill is the highest peak in Karnataka is located in the district. Wildlife enthusiasts would be interested in the Kudremukh National Park and Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary.

Mullayanagiri Mountains: 

  • Come, get on top of Karnataka – for here lies the highest peak of the state. You never know the beauty that awaits you atop until and unless you go there yourself. The magnificent Siva Temple forms the crown, and you can return with choicest divine blessings as well. The amazing landscapes from the top will make you feel airborne for sure.

Hebbe Falls: 

  • Water, water everywhere making glitter and beauty a pair! The Hebbe Falls is sure to sweep you off your feet – literally. For all you water lovers – there are few places that can match these Falls. Further, do not miss to say Hi to the majestic tigers on your drive up to the Falls through the scenic Bhadra Tiger Reserve.

Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • A 40 km drive from Chikmagalur, here you can see animals such as Tigers, Elephants, Gaur, Wild Boar, Mongooses different kinds of Deer (Sambar Deer, Barking Deer, Spotted Deer), various species of monkeys (Langur, Macaque, etc). Ornithologists get out your cameras and start shooting the Hornbills, Serpent Eagles, Peacocks & Peahens, Sea Eagles, Whistling Thrush, Drangos, River Tern, three kinds of Cormorants, Snake birds, Mynahs, , Jungle Fowl, and many more.

Jhari Waterfalls: 

  • If you like having Buttermilk, then this is one enormous gush of buttermilk poured down from Mother Nature. The Buttermilk Falls as it is fondly called will make the most favoured, and healthiest, beverage seem like falling from heaven. A sight to behold – a mystery untold. This place is no wonder a must see for nature lovers.

Sringeri Mutt: 

  • Ah! From all that trekking and driving – looking for a place to unwind and have a free meal? Well the Sringeri Mutt will warmly welcome you with out-strecthed hands. With the crystal clear Tunga river flowing besides, give yourselves a break and try out their sattvic meal which is spoken of highly as the healthiest way to eat.

Z Point: 

  • Love Trekking? This is THE place to do it! Windy, misty, greenery all around – this is one walk you will remember till your memory is alive. Once on top, feel your heart coming up to the mouth to catch a glimpse of the amazing sight. Best to trek after breakfast, so that you can enjoy to the fullest.

Baba Budangiri: 

  • The holy Darga is the perfect place to begin your day. Visit in the early mornings to receive the blessings for the day. Regardless of your faith, this place is a must see showing that religious integrity is still the strength of our nation. It is believed that the famous saint Baba Budan entered heaven directly through these caves. Wow! Now that’s what you call the right place to seek blessings.

Hirekolale Lake: 

  • After a long day, throw yourself by the serene Hirekolale lake and gaze into the heavens. Sit with your loved one sipping tea and there can never be a better way to spend an evening. It will elevate your senses to unreal levels.

Kalaseshwara temple: 

  • Another slice of divinity that cannot be missed. Facing the wonderful western ghats, Lord Kalaseshwara Temple is heaven on the ground. The famed 3000-year-old Swayanbu Linga rests here. Catch a glimpse of ancient history when you visit and enrich your soul with the darshan. The drive to the temple is also very refreshing.

Central Coffee Research Institution: 

  • Coffee – the most loved beverage in the world has some of its gorgeous roots right here. The Coffee Museum will speak volumes about this favourite drink of the masses – get to know the cultural history and rich tradition that goes behind your morning cuppa! An expert guide is also present to walk you through.

Mahatma Gandhi Park: 

  • Finally, a place where you can let your kids go free – watch them run around and have fun playing catch. The elders can spend some quality time together as their little ones spend out their bursting energies. A tiny toy train completes the fun time. Going with kids? Then do not miss this spot!

Inam Dattatreya Peetha: 

  • The sacred Peetha will invoke the spirituality in you. This is again a place boasting of a rich history of holiness. The very road up the hill will vouch for that. Spend some time in soul searching while overlooking the scenic valleys. Whether you go alone or in a group – DO NOT MISS this spot!