About Us
India is a land of various heritages. It is here that various traditions were discovered, refreshed and most of them still in practice. Aralaguppe is one such story – the rich heritage coupled with a royal touch. The forefathers of ARALAGUPPE FAMILY were distantly related and also were in the higher positions in the army of Shivappa Nayaka of Keladi Dynasty of Shimoga District, in the erstwhile State of Mysore. They were popularly known as Veerashaiva Sirdars and were also called Malagowda’s or Malaparus. On account of the popularity, the great Nawab Hyder Ali requisitioned their services, when he fought and won the first Mysore war against the Britishers in 1765. In recognition and appreciation of the services rendered, Nawab Hyder Ali granted the Gowdike of ARALAGUPPE village to Sri Chandre Gowda in the year 1769 through Dewan Venkappaiah. So ( since then) the rich cultural heritage has been carefully preserved for many years now. What you are to experience in this place is nothing short of a dream.